Puerto Rico is located in a small piece of land. Despite its size, this country is a beautiful place and its inhabitants are a number of reasons to be proud of
Puerto Ricans. Over the years, this country is proven force in the world that continues to dominate other countries with more power. The country has also struggled for years to maintain their culture and traditions intact, and a Puerto Rican culture is a tattoo.
Tattooing is an integral part of the culture of this country. People are known to express their feelings, respect and pride by the tattoo tattoos and one of the most famous in the country is
Puerto Rico flag.
For them, the flag of your country shows a great pride. The flag consists of two different bands - three stripes of red and two white stripes. Also, it is a white star and a blue triangle in the
flag of Puerto Rico.

The red stripes on the flag symbolizes the blood shed, which took place in three parts of the country's democratic government. On the other hand, the white stripes a sign of freedom and liberty. Meanwhile, white star represents the Commonwealth, this country has reached in 1952. In addition, the blue triangles represent the Puerto Rican government.

Come on Puerto Rico's flag tattooed on any part of his body is considered to obtain one of the greatest tattoos that represent its roots and pride of being a citizen of this country. Considered traditional tattoo, the tattoo is a favorite choice of tattoo in that country to this day.